America's Pastime serves as the backdrop for these mystery novels. Major league baseball umpire Marshall Connors keeps finding himself pulled into games most definitely NOT of the baseball type...
GAME 7: DEAD BALL - Available in Audio format
See what the readers are saying:
"Allen has proven a welcome newcomer to an overcrowded thriller market sadly diluted with average ho-hum fare..."
"If you like baseball and thrillers, Game 7: Dead Ball is a must read... complicated plot with well-drawn characters..."
"Amazing story... but isn't a 'sports' story. Well rounded mystery... gripping details... Wonderful debut book!"
"You want something 'different' with a murder mystery, this is it!"
"You'll love this one! It takes you more in-depth into the characters' lives and relationships... Written like a pro."
"An enjoyable read!"
"Schatz succeeded in keeping me interested and guessing along..."
"Wow... a whirlwind ride... Schatz doesn't suffer from any let down... A page turner, I was unable to put it down!"
"Allen has done it again... a fast paced fantabulous thriller story... twists and turns to keep you guessing!"
"Another masterpiece! I am a fan for life! Well done, and keep 'em coming!"